Nancy Heredia
Welcome Lutheran Women and Men in Mission!
We are blessed by the gracious, gifted and talented women of the Pacific Southwest District and their dedication to serve. It is indeed an honor to work side by side with each and every one of you.
The Pacific Southwest District offers a variety of opportunities for all women to be rooted in God’s Word; living out our response to God’s grace by serving His people; giving of our time; sharing our talents and supporting our Gospel Outreach Mission grants with our prayers and mites.
Please join us for new opportunities to discover, develop, and strengthen our unique God-given gifts and encourage and assist each other to serve, as God calls us.
Thank you for all the encouragement, mentoring, and support as well as your love and prayers that you shower on your sisters and brothers in Christ each and every day.
I look forward to working with all of you throughout the Pacific Southwest District.
Your sister in Christ,
And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).
Rita Grover
Hello & Welcome!
I am your PSD District Vice-President Christian Life for 2024-2028.
Many devotional materials are available on the national website. www.lwml.org.
If you find devotions elsewhere, please feel free to contact me and I will have them evaluated by one of our Counselors to make sure they are appropriate.
Do you write devotions? If so, please send them to me and I will have a Counselor check them over and we will share them in the district.
Do you have ideas for retreats? I would love to hear any ideas.
Do you know of anyone who is available (in the Distrist) to speak at Celebrations, etc? Please have them contact me and I will add them to the District Speaker List.
The next District Retreat is January 24, 2025 in Phoenix, AZ. Registration forms will be on this site.
The 41st Biennial National Convention is June 26–29, 2025 in Omaha, NE. The theme is "Growing in God's Grace".
Please feel free to contact me with any questions and I will do my best to find the answers.
Your Sister in Christ,
Rita Grover
Anna Baker - VP Communications
Welcome to the new LWML Pacific Southwest District web site. I hope you find this web site easy to navigate and that you find the most relevant information here. You can also check out the National website at lwml.org. I am also responsible for the quarterly newsletter the WOW or Women of the Word and our Facebook page. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me.
Please contact me if you would like to be on the Communications committee. We are looking for help with the Facebook page and Website
JoAnne Sloan - VP Organizational Resources
The purpose of the Organizational Resources Department is twofold. The
Leadership Committee supports and encourages present and future leaders.
The Structure Committee reviews zone and district bylaws.
Leadership Tips
Look around for ways to involve other women; invite and interact.
Encourage others with words and notes of God's great love for them.
Adapt and embrace change. Look for the positive in all situations.
Dare to try something new!
The national LWML website (www.lwml.org) has many resources for programs,
devotions, Bible studies, projects, and so much more.
Structure Tips
Bylaws help an organization work in an orderly manner that promotes their mission statement.
Take time to review your local and zone bylaws. Is it time to make some changes?
JoAnne Sloan
VP Organizational Resources
Lutheran Women's Missionary League
Pacific Southwest District
The purpose of Special Focus Ministries is to equip and encourage women of all ages and ethnic backgrounds to be Jesus’ hands and feet in our communities. Your main groups are the Young Women's Representative (YWR) and Heart to Heart Sisters - of all Nations.
Young Women's Representatives
The Young Women Committee is focused on support, encouragement, activities and events for young women involved in LWML, Lutheran Women in Mission.
Encourage women members of your congregation to call or text a District YWR leader for more information: Onja Davidson Raoelison (424) 402-2688, davidsononja@gmail.com, or Sydney Teitell by email at sydneyrose97@ucla.edu.
They are eager to communicate with anyone interested in attending the 2024 District Convention June 7-9 in Rosemead, CA, answer your questions, and share information about fellowship opportunities during the convention.
For information about applying to attend the 2025 LWML Convention in Omaha NE, as a district Young Woman Representative, please contact Susan Thomas, Vice President for Special Focus Ministries.

Heart to Heart - Sisters of all Nations
Heart to Heart - Sisters of All Nations is an LWML program to encourage and support multicultural women's involvement in LWML, Lutheran Women in Mission. Our Heart to Heart - Sisters of All Nations District Leader is Maria Espinoza. Maria can be reached at
(626) 862-1065, or by email at cuatro-esp@msn.com.
For information about fellowship opportunities at the 2025 LWML Pacific Southwest District Retreat in Phoenix, AZ January 24-26, please contact Maria